Dear Parents and Students,
The start of a new school year is quickly approaching! We hope you are enjoying the sunshine and finding ample time to both play and relax.
All of the 5th through 8th grade teachers are looking forward to another great school year at VCS. We are excited to see former students return as well as to get acquainted with our new students.
You will find the 5th through 8th grade supply list below. In addition to these supplies, students may bring a personal device (e.g., laptop, iPad, Samsung Tablet, Surface) from home to use for classroom-related activities. VCS faculty and staff will help students connect to the campus Wi-Fi and review what it means to be a responsible digital citizen, but it’s the student’s responsibility to care for and keep track of his/her personal device. For those students without a personal device, VCS does have iPads, laptops, and Chrome Books available for students to use while on campus. However, these devices may not be taken home.
To help kick off the year, all 5th through 8th grade students will attend our annual spiritual retreat September 12-14 at Black Diamond Camp. Details about the trip will be sent home the first week of school. Retreat will be an awesome time for students to form friendships and grow in their relationship with Christ. If you are interested in being a camp counselor, please fill out the attached form and return it to the school office.
You are also welcome to email or call us with any questions or concerns either before school begins or anytime throughout the year. We hope to see all of you at the Back-to-School BBQ on August 30th at 6:00 PM!
Mrs. Hackett (5th & 6th Homeroom)
Roary McClain (7th & 8th Homeroom)
Middle School Supply List
You will need your supplies the first day of school.
* NIV Bible
* #2 pencils or mechanical pencils with 0.7 lead
* 3 red pens or pencils for correcting
* binder (1.5 inch spine), ), fabric binders not required
* 7 dividers or folders that can go in the binder
* 3 packages of college ruled notebook paper
* 2 glue sticks
* Scissors
* 1 pack of thin colored markers
* colored pencils
* 3 different colored highlighters
* 2 composition books (for literature and social studies)
* computer jump drive
* 1 large box of Kleenex
* 1 large container of Clorox/Lysol cleaning wipes.
* pencil pouch that fits in their binder
* calculator – 5th and 6th grades
* calculator with a square root function – 7th and 8th grades
* Personal device (laptop, iPad, surface, etc.) NOT REQUIRED, but very helpful when working on individual and personal projects throughout the year
*Students will need several display boards for projects later in the school year. Display boards will be for sale in the office for $3.00.
All students will need to have sports shoes and athletic clothes for PE during the week at school.