Green School Initiative

Valley Christian School is making great progress towards being recognized as a Level 1 Green School. Teachers and students are making efforts towards best practices for school recycling. Here is some of the things that we’ve been doing:

  • Organizing a Green Team made up of students who are educating their peers

  • Replacing the styrofoam plates that are bad for the environment by implementing washable lunch trays

  • Buying local food and farm to table when possible

  • Buying biodegradable plastic ware and cups

  • Mobilize the student Green Team to educate peers

  • Utilizing the student Green Team to help sort trash, recyclables, and organic scraps at lunch time

  • Hosting a Rethink, Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle Assembly and classroom workshops for our students annually

  • Encouraging parents to pack waste free lunches and snacks

  • Rewarding students who remember to bring a reusable water bottles

  • Using worms to eat organic food scraps from lunch

  • Working with the custodian to make sure that recycling is going in the right place

  • Limiting paper handouts with email and electronic when possible

Our Green Team is made up of about 20 students who have volunteered their time during lunch recess once per month to talk about how to continue to train their peers in recycling and waste during and after school. Participants on the Green Team also have the responsibility to help other students in the lunch room sort recycling, garbage, and organic material.
